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Capital structure optimization

We design the adequate capital structure to deliver a 3-5 years strategy. We access deep Swiss pools of relevant capital in private banks, family offices and crowdfunding.

Our clients are innovative responsible early stage entrepreneurs and SMEs.

Their size makes them currently unattractive for institutional investors. Our job is to take our clients to a size that is attractive for them.

The only efficient structured Venture Capital and SME Private Equity investor pools are in the US, so unless our clients move to NYC or SF, Zürich is the place.

Why Switzerland

Switzerland is a DEEP pool of capital

Swiss banks manage 25% of all cross border assets or CHF 8 trillion (the combined GDPs of Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France).

The 246 Swiss banks employ 90’000 bankers out of which approx. 10’000 are private bankers with each 10-20 private banking clients.

UBS on its own, manages over CHF1 trillion and hosts the accounts (with various amounts) of 50% of the world’s billionaires. More than 2’500 Swiss External asset managers manage approximately CHF400 bil.

Over 100 family offices are officially based in Switzerland with investable assets cumulating over CHF 140 bil.

02 Swiss pool of capital

03 Swiss pool of capital

Switzerland manages relevant capital

60% of family offices investments are in “tickets” between CHF 500k and 5milion.

70% view Private Equity investments as key driver of returns (Private Equity investments are geared towards our SME client-partners).

40% will allocate a large part of their portfolio to sustainable investments.

Crowdfunding a possible avenue for early stage clients

The large pools of highly paid millennial urban service workers make Switzerland a unique pilot-project testing ground for crowdfunding in Switzerland, Germany and the UK.

Cheap debt financing

Swiss companies benefit from an over-liquid sophisticated SME banking market constantly looking to deploy its liquidity into credit products. Cantonal and mutual banks with CHF 800 bil balance sheets mostly focused on Swiss clients are natural banking partners for SMEs. 2019 domestic corporate lending cumulated to CHF 170 bil.

The condition precedent is that our client be incorporated in Switzerland with financial consolidation under Swiss legal environment (irrespective of the location of the business).



Switzerland is relevant for our EXIT transactions

Swiss companies are perceived as competitive (top 5 in the WEF competitiveness index), innovative, efficient and quality focused.

Trade-sale Exit: Being based in Switzerland is an attractive proposition for a “trade-sale” i.e. a sale to another participant in the same industry. Switzerland is home to a large number of family-owned middle market companies and to many global middle market companies’ headquarters. Potential acquisition candidates are a stone’s throw away from Brand New Capital’s offices.

Institutional, financial and trade investors are comforted by the Swiss robust legal environment, its light arbitration mechanisms.

Private Equity Exit: Similarly, the same capital pools providing “angel” investors, namely Private Banks and Family Offices are also very active in smaller Private Equity acquisitions.

The Swiss investment pool

We identify the appropriate group of investors for early stage entrepreneurs and SMEs. We continuously monitor investment demand to ensure we have a constant two-way communication with the existing wealth guardians and our entrepreneurs, the future wealth creators.